When it comes to developing promotional materials for a location, there are various styles and formats which can be suitable depending on the context and the existing knowledge of the reader. All materials should have three common qualities however - they should be informative, interesting and impactful.
At the same time, promotional materials should be free of (or at least minimize) the type of content that can be found on a Wikipedia page. Macroeconomic stats and geographical facts can potentially have their place if they're given the right angle, but a fact-sheet-style brochure outlining data easily obtained for free from the first page of a Google search is unlikely to impress a potential investor. Instead, locations should focus on initiatives such as:
- Visually-appealing infographics which transmit powerful messages in an easy-to-digest way
- Sector-specific 'propositions' which outline detailed information on market opportunities, location capabilities and government provisions/support
- Project profiles that outline detailed, often technical data on a specific project opportunity
- Vox pops videos from existing investors and other key stakeholders with simple, strong messages showcasing the strengths of your location or even agency
We bring experience in workingwith world-leading agencies to develop promotional materials in various media and formats. Working alongside our network of associates in design, web-development, and audiovisual production, we can help to showcase a fresh, powerful and compelling story for your location.
The banner image above shows a selection of sector leaflets developed by the EU Desk team for the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)