Thought Leadership:
Promotional materials can have their limits. With the ever increasing importance of industry clusters in the location decision-making process, companies are now looking to Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) and Economic Development Agencies (EDOs) for views on the latest industry trends and what the future holds in store. This requires more than a set of powerful marketing messages - this is where thought leadership can play an important role.
Recruiting a dedicated team of sector specialists and experts can be an effective (although expensive) undertaking, and some of the better-funded IPAs and EDOs are already adopting this approach. A more budget-friendly alternative is to consider the use of webinars and other media to bring together an ad-hoc group of specialists from academia, industry and the public sector to discuss and present views on industry trends, both internationally and locally, and to integrate key messages about the location's sector offering as part of this.
Destination Strategies can work with your teams to develop a compelling concept, programme and content for a webinar, online or offline publication, or other thought-leadership initiative.
Developing effective, captivating speeches is rarely straightforward. Style and delivery can often matter as much as the content. We spend as much time understanding the speaker as we do the audience and the messages. Is a full script required, or does the speaker prefer to base their speech on a set of key messages and proof-points?
We have developed speeches both for Government Leaders and CEOs for various events, from industry conferences to gala dinners. We will work closely to develop a speech that hits the right balance between style and messaging.